
Customer Testimonials

“We had them construct a screened porch for us. They were reasonably priced, responsible, came on time as promised, and did a very fine job. We really liked Wade, the owner, as well as his entire crew.” —Deborah Zemlock

“Wade and his project manager, Doug, did an excellent job on my deck project. I would recommend them without hesitation.” —John Pirello

“I would highly recommend Plantation Renovation. They provided outstanding craftsmanship, professionalism, and delivered all projects in a timely manner.” —Kim Carrasco

“Work was excellent.” —Nick DeAngelo

“Wade and his crews did a great job finishing our basement with game room, bathroom, kitchen and extra bedroom. Excellent work – highly recommended.” —Robbie Robison

“Showed up on time, did what was asked, mitigated any minor situations that arose in a fair and timely manner. I would not hesitate to use these folks again or recommend them to someone else.” —Paul Srodoski

“Highly Recommended” —Michael DeJarnette

“Wade did a great job on our bathroom and I would use him again for another addition to our house.” —Matt Edwards

“Wade Bowman was very professional, was on time every day, and was dedicated to my satisfaction. I would recommend him to anyone.” —Stuart Rogers

“Plantation Renovation did a great job explaining what was going to be done and always started on time. I would recommend Plantation Renovation for any home improvement.” —Marcus Sullivan