We have been conditioned that when it comes to large expenses shopping around is the best thing to do. Compare prices, gather information, and make informed decisions. While this works for things like buying a house or a car this does not work for a general contractor. There really is only one rule when it comes to hiring a contractor:

Don’t shop based on price.

Comparing prices between contractors is fine, but it shouldn’t be your focus. The problem is that things like cars, no matter where you look, will be generally the same. You can count on the cars of the same make and model to be held to the same standards and in the same price range based on wear, tear, and mileage. All you want is the best deal for the car in the best condition.

General Contractors don’t work this way. 

Pricing a home remodel should look more like shopping for a tattoo than a car.


Think about it: if you are shopping for a tattoo are you going to choose the artist who can do it the cheapest? Do you choose the one who can finish the fastest? Do you choose the most expensive? 

Probably none of these – instead, you’ll choose the one who is most effective. You’ll probably choose the one that you connect with the most. After all, you’re going to spend a lot of time with them while they work on your tattoo. Plus, you’re going to see the results of their work every single day. You should trust them to do work this important.

While the work they do follows strict guidelines and procedures – their personality is going to show through in every aspect of how they work in your home. From concept, to showroom selections, to final touch ups: they’re going to spend a lot of time with you during the course of your project. Whether that’s a few weeks or a few months.


Budgets are important, but is the goal of renovating your home to spend the least amount of money?

Or is the goal to have a remodeled space that you love?

Remember in the end your remodel can only be two of these things: fast, cheap and good.


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